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Monday, April 4, 2011

sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu...4 july 1991


ok ari ney bkn la 4 july 1991...skunk ney dah 20 tahun ke depan..dah 2011 pon..bila di pikir2 balik cepatnya masa berlalu..kalau dulu aku dengan 2 tocang fevret aku skunk ney da xde da..kalo dulu naik moto ngn abah duduk kat raga depan tu skunk ney klo bwat lg mmg x siuman la aku ney..hahhaha..dan kalo dulu aku sangkakan abjad dan angka tiada kaitannya..skrg dalam algebra aku kenal perkaitan 2 mnda yg berbeza..wujudnya unknown dan juga cefficient yg mnghubungkan mereka...huhu

hahaha...skunk aku pon da melalut ntah kemana..ekceli ak nk cita pasai 4 july 1991 je..knapa?????haaa..dlm bpe2 ari ney aku asyik dgr cita pasal bfday je..kbetulan plak baru2 ney bsday kak tikah klasmate aku baru je aku bosan2 dok kat bilik dgn rakusnya mnekan button2 keyboard aku ney utk tnye kt uncle gugel pasai 4 july 1991..aku nk tgk apa la yg akn kuar..kot2 la ade history pasal kelahiran bdak tercomel kedunia yg bernama rosnadila bt saruddin ke...hahahhaha...gila pasan lah...~_~..skali skala xpe kot..hehe..ok jom tgk apa ada ngn 4 july 1991......

July 4th, 1991...
Tonight is Thursday

the moon phase on that date

On this date, the moon was looking like this.(third quarter moon)

For those who believe in clairvoyance, divination, psychic readings and fate, astrological birth symbols have always meant a lot. Every ancient tradition has developed its own symbolic patterns, myths and stories. You'll find below what your birth sign is according to different cultures. If you are not a crystal ball addict, you can still find in this symbols a lot of poetry...

Astrological signs
July 4th, 1991
Your zodiac sign: Cancer zodiacal symbol: the occidental influence of the stars on people life
Celtic astrology: your sign is Apple tree celtic spririts of the wood
Aztec astrology: your sign is Eagle (quauhtli) aztec symbols: life in the prism of nature
Egyptian astrology: your sign is Anubis Egyptian beliefs: the eyes of god in the stars
Chinese astrology: your sign is Sheep of metal chinese symbols: spirituality based on nature

haaa...ney la serba sikit aku dpt pasai 4 july aku lain xtawu la..klau nk ikot mmg bnyak aku jumpa tp klo aku letak smua kt sini bosan plak korg nk baca nnti..lg pon mnda ney smua boley tnya uncle gugel..hehehhe...spnjang idop aku..bru bpe2 org je yg aku taw sama bfday ngn aku..walaupon hakikatnya berjuta org lahir pada hari aku lahir....konon nk special la xramai lahir sama ngn aku...hahaha..ntah pape je..untuk tahon ney aku akn smbut bfday kt umah...sbb masa tu cuti sem..x kisah la sambut kt mana pun hakikatnya umur aku smakin aku gak yg matured2 aku rasa aku x perlu nk paksa diri aku jd matured..just jd siapa aku yg sbnarnye...cuma dlm idop ney kna la bwt perubahan sikit...xbnyak pon xpa..asalkan mmbwt perubahan yg mmbawa kita lbih jaoh ke depan..x gitu??????hahaha..okeyh nnti aku sambung lg tajuk lain pulak...papai...^^